It is the purpose of Truth Baptist Church to reach Mechanicsville for Christ as well as pray for and support foreign works by faithful, like-minded missionaries across the world. Below is a list of missionaries we are currently supporting.
Atlantic Independent Baptist Fellowship (AIBF): Supporting Church Planters in Virginia
The Browns: Liechtenstein
The Canavans (Andrew&Shawn): Ireland
The Canavans (Dan&Beth): Ireland
The Chapmans: Malawi
The Chiciudeans: Eastern Europe
Kelly Earles: Camp Rapidan
The Ensleys: Germany
The Ensleys: Bracey, VA
The Fielders: Worldview International (Bible Translation teams)
The Flowers: Taiwan
The Gates: Muslims in Dearborn, MI
The Gillits: England
The Greens: England
The Halls: Australia
The Hayes: Spain
The Heltons: Spain
The Hills: Idaho
The Hollands: Norway
The Housers: United Kingdom
Grace Jackson: Japan
The Johnsons: Dominican Republic
The Johnsons: MWBM
The Johnsons: Japan
The Kelleys: Indonesia
The Klemans: United Kingdom
The Kokenzies: Brazil
The McClains: Thailand
The McKelroys: Tibet
The Montanos: Mexico
The Ortiz’: Mexico City
The Owens: VAIB
The Polivkas: Belarus
The Smiths: South Sudan
The Strothers: United Kingdom
The Tarwaters: Philippines
The Tignors: Ecuador
The Wynns: Philippines